Using our proprietary EthicsMatters Values-to-Action System™ and associated processes and tools, EthicsMatters LLC (EthicsMatters) provides bioethics and organizational ethics advisory services to biopharmaceutical organizations

Whether you require a quick resolution for a particular ethical issue, comprehensive input for a project, or a custom solution for a complex challenge, our packages are structured to provide efficient, thorough, and practical support.

Bioethics Advice

For organizations with a specific issue that needs to be viewed through a bioethics lens, whether at a company-wide level or a case-specific level.

  • When specific, time-sensitive issues arise, our intensives ensure your challenges are thoroughly addressed and resolved within 2 weeks.

    Examples include specific study-related case consultations with a slide deck and written report as deliverables, or a document review.


  • Have a specific project or series of projects requiring more time or perhaps committee participation?

    Whether it's developing a company-wide stance on topics such as international research or continuing access to an investigational product, or conducting an internal bioethics survey, our three-month project package is designed for comprehensive support.

    This may include a combination of position or policy input/advice, reviews, and implementation.


  • For projects needing a different timeline or investment of effort, schedule a call to discuss how Dr. Van Campen can address your needs.


    *Note: Dr. Van Campen does not accept requests to research and write de novo position papers or white papers or substantially update or edit these types of papers. She is, however, happy to provide advice/input to such endeavors.

Ethics Advice

To lead in bioethics, companies must support individuals in their ethics leadership development and execution.

Our organizational ethics advice helps biopharmaceutical companies integrate bioethics into daily operations, setting the foundation for long-term success with a functional Bioethics Program. We can guide you through the somewhat daunting prospect of building or renovating the bioethics “wing” of your organization.

  • (1-2 weeks) Become a leader in bioethics with our high-level bioethics programmatic plan.

    In a 2-hour interview with your team, we will assess your current ethics and bioethics systems, and uncover needs, goals, and anticipated challenges. You will receive a written plan outlining the steps needed to advance your organization in bioethics.


    *The cost of the blueprint is applied to the build if you proceed.

  • (12 weeks) Transform your organization with a new bioethics system based on your custom plan.

    We will train key players, flesh out a strategic plan, and facilitate implementation to ensure your bioethics framework can be integrated company-wide, allowing your organization to move forward with clarity and confidence.



    Ensure the sustained success of your bioethics program with our ongoing support.

    We provide periodic assistance to promote company-wide adoption, troubleshoot challenges, and train additional stakeholders within your organization.

    This package is available only to those with an existing bioethics strategic plan in place – whether created with EthicsMatters or another process.


What is the VALUE of EthicsMatters Bioethics Advice if TIME=MONEY?

It could take up to several months to resolve an issue using do-it-yourself (DIY) methodology
as little as 1-2 weeks using an EthicsMatters systematic approach.

What is the VALUE of EthicsMatters Organizational Ethics Advice if TIME=MONEY?

It could take up to 3 years to establish an effective and efficient bioethics program using do-it-yourself (DIY) methodology
12 weeks using an EthicsMatters systematic approach.

“Luann Van Campen is one of those rare people with exceptional intelligence, insight, and creativity. Her knowledge of bioethics and organizational ethics is formidable. Her capacity to analyze the most complex and problematic situations is extraordinary. And her ability to find creative ways forward when there appear to be none is invaluable. Her wonderfully engaging personality in addition to all this ensures that anyone who has the opportunity to work with her will be well satisfied with the experience and the outcome.”

John F. Kilner, PhD

Franklin Forman Chair of Ethics, Professor of Bioethics and Contemporary Culture, Former Director of Bioethics Degree Programs, and Senior Fellow of the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity, Trinity International University, Deerfield, Illinois